The Tetragrama
YUD HEH VAV HEH Yahweh = YAHRRUEH. YAHSHUAH = Yahweh ... Yahweh is Salvation. "Who has ascended into heaven and came down? "Who has gathered the wind with open hands? "Who tied the Sea in a robe? "Who set the limits of the earth? "What is your name, and the name of his son If that is you? Proverbs Proverbs = 30.4. This is an interesting question of the prophet to the people of the saints of the Most High. On the importance of knowing the name of the Eternal Creator of all things, and also the name of his son Salvior. In Isaiah Yashayahu = 52.6. Says ... my people shall know my name; The tetragrama YHWH, refers to the name of the Eternal, in the original Hebrew. It appears 6828 times in the Tanakh in Hebrew, and indicates therefore that it was very well known name and dispensed with the presence of auxiliary vowel (vowels interim). The antiquity and legitimacy of the tetragrama YHWH as the name of the Eternal Creator to the Hebrews; It is...